
Happy Monday, dear readers. For those of you following my madness on Twitter and/or The Facebooks, you might have already heard the latest from these parts over the weekend. WE GOT A PUPPY, OMG. He is delicious and high maintenance and we are drowning in a sea of cute and newspaper. I may become one of those bloggers that posts pictures of her puppy now, so just get prepared for some of that. To begin, let me justify such postings by offering proof of just how illegally adorable this puppy is. We'd been looking to add a pup to the family for a while, but have always looked at older dogs, and then we ran into this little guy at a sidewalk SPCA setup and BOOM--game over. His name is Jake, he's a two month-old Spaniel mix and he's TOO MUCH.

Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, it's time to ask a big favor of all y'all. The other news is that I've teamed up with a really fabulous production company to produce a special baking-related project. It's been in the works for a little while, and we're finally close to shooting. Here's where you come in, friends. If you happen to live in NYC or the surrounding area and are available Saturday, June 2nd (or the 3rd for a raindate), I'd for you to come visit for a couple hours and be part of the whole crazy experience, and round out a group activity that we'll be shooting as part of the project. You may or may not be asked to bring a baked good as the date gets closer, but really, we just need some good people to come hang out for a couple hours who don't mind appearing on camera. Selfishly, I also love that this could be an opportunity to finally meet some of you in real life and enthusiastically compliment each other's skin and hair.

So what do ya think? If you're into it, send me an e-mail at shauna (at) shaunasever (dot) com and I can provide you with more details. This is nuts, right?! I'm pretty pumped about it, and even more so having some of you be part of the action. I'll be back soon with a cookie recipe that I loved so much, I ate the whole dang batch myself.