Shameless Self-Promotion

Hi, guys! So I've started branching out into the food writing world beyond my own little food blog, and it's for a fun new site called WiredBerries. Now, when you check this out, you may notice that I display little of my confectionery prowess in my articles there; that's because WiredBerries is a site all about healthy, organic living. And believe it or not, I do eat food other than desserts, and lots of my favorite recipes that don't fit on this here baking blog are making their way onto the WiredBerries Food and Nutrition page. I often say here on Piece of Cake that I'm a big believer in absolutely everything in moderation, from green veggies to homemade marshmallows, and it's nice to have a platform to share some of my favorite everyday recipes that don't involve butter, sugar, flour and eggs.

Hope you will check it out!

NewsShauna Sever